HCL BigFix for Core Protection

BigFix for Core Protection manages both technology and business risk. It protects physical and virtual endpoints from damage caused by malware and other vulnerabilities and reduces the business disruptions that can result from attacks on endpoints.

  • Protect physical and virtual endpoints from damage caused by viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, rootkits, web threats and their new variants
  • Cross-reference threat information with a large, cloud-based database created by Trend Micro and continuously updated via Trend Micro’s Smart Protection Network™
  • Deliver increased protection through policy enforcement to ensure that antivirus services are always installed, running and up to date
  • Automatically clean endpoints of malware, including processes and registry entries that are hidden or locked
  • Speed on-demand scanning and system start-up times through significant performance improvements
  • Provide security for both fixed, network-connected endpoints and roaming, Internet-connected endpoints
  • Centralize the management of functions that provide advanced antivirus and firewall protection
  • Employ a unified management infrastructure to coordinate among IT, security, desktop and server operations

Data Loss Prevention

The optional Data Protection Add-on for BigFix for Core Protection V8.2 can be deployed and managed through the IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager infrastructure. The module helps improve data protection capabilities while helping control operational costs.

The Data Protection Add-on for IBM BigFix for Core Protection offers a robust data loss prevention and device control solution that integrates into the antivirus and antimalware capabilities provided by the core protection infrastructure and can:

  • Create and apply policies that limit or prevent the transmission of digital assets through common transmission channels, such as email, to help secure data (sensitive or not) on devices that leave the business premises
  • Create and apply device control policies to regulate access to external storage devices and network resources connected to computers to help prevent data loss which, combined with file scanning, helps guard against security risks
  • Leverage predefined templates to identify, monitor, and optionally block the transmission of sensitive data such as credit card numbers

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